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5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
SHRM PDCs: 1.25
SHRM PDCs: 1.25
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Concurrent Session
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM - General Session
SHRM PDCs: 1.5
SHRM PDCs: 1.5
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Compensation and Benefit Strategies
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Monday, September 27
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM |
Registration & Information Desk Open
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | |
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM | |
2:45 PM - 5:00 PM | |
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM | |
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM | |
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM |
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, September 28
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Registration & Information Desk Open
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM |
Networking Breakfast in Tradeshow
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM | |
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM |
Networking Break in Tradeshow
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM | |
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM |
Networking Lunch in Tradeshow
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM | |
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM |
Networking Break in Tradeshow
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM | |
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM | |
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM |
Wednesday, September 29
7:30 AM - 1:30 PM |
Registration & Information Desk Open
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM | |
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM |
Monday, September 27
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM | |||||||
Registration & Information Desk Open |
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Pre-Conference Workshop | |||||||
HR to HX: How 2020 Taught Us the Value of the Human Experience & the Power of PeopletivityThe New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 3 We will review many of the events which directly affected HR & the workplace in 2020, and discuss what we can do as HR professionals to prepare ourselves & our organizations for what's to come in the future based on these changes.
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Fearless Leadership: The Science of Employee Psychological SafetyDiversity and Inclusion
SHRM PDCs: 3 Research shows that psychological safety--a shared sense of trust that empowers candid conversation and interpersonal risk--is key to team success at work. In this very interactive session, you'll deepen your understanding of psychological safety. You will conduct a short psychological safety audit that you can use to measure current levels in your organization. You'll experience several ways of boosting psychological safety for yourself and your colleagues. We'll look at how psychological safety can lead to more inclusion, boosted well-being, and better results.
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Live Q & A on common and emergent HR topics - What should your question be, and why?Legal Compliance
SHRM PDCs: 3 Working with employees gives HR plenty of opportunity for asking questions. Our clients call with varying degrees of questions in hopes of mitigating risk. Often the questions we get asked are not the questions that need to be asked. The focus needs to be on
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Empty Chair Syndrome: Tracking and Managing Family Leave and Disability Leave AccommodationsLegal Compliance
SHRM PDCs: 3 Tracking the different types of protected leave can be a technical nightmare and may become a costly endeavor if done incorrectly. Join us for this interactive workshop (with a demonstration!) and learn what you need to know about managing employees who take leave for pregnancy, illness, family leave, and disability. You will learn about the basics of the various leave laws, how to track leave correctly, and how all the leave laws work together. We will also discuss scenarios tailored to address common questions, as well as tips for maintaining productivity, employee morale, and your sanity!
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Building a Culture on the One Thing that Motivates All PeopleStrategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 3 As an HR professional in challenging times, how do you train your leaders to steer the culture of your organization effectively? What if there was one thing that motivated both employees and managers in your organization to lead and perform well? Drawing on human attachment theory, scientific research, and business case studies, this seminar provides participants with inspiration and actionable insights into what creates healthy, thriving culture. This seminar is designed for HR professionals on any level interested in learning more about how to pivot your organization toward effective leadership that can build and sustain profitable, winning AND caring cultures.
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Create an Inclusive Culture by Starting at the TopDiversity and Inclusion
SHRM PDCs: 3 Although culture change occurs in all directions, the ability of senior leaders to convey and model priorities cannot be underestimated. Senior leaders' energy and resources are pulled in many directions, so HR professionals must show leaders why equity and inclusion is important to the workplace and help them take actions that matter most. This workshop will enable the audience to leverage the influence of senior leaders through discussion, reflection, and case studies. The audience will leave energized and equipped with steps to take to gain commitment and drive action from their senior leadership towards an increasingly inclusive work environment.
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1:00 PM - 2:30 PM - General Session | |||||||
Say "Yes, And!" for HR Professionals - Two Simple Words that Can Transform Your Career, Organization, and Life!General Session
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 Is it possible that two little words could hold the key to reducing conflict, increasing engagement, mastering change, opening communication channels, and unleashing innovation?
"YES, AND" is a high-energy, hilarious, and interactive presentation that will teach you how a simple shift from "yes, but" to "Yes, And!" can help you be a more effective communicator and strategic partner in your role as a human resources professional. As HR professionals and managers, you wear many hats and live in a world of constant change. While "Yes, And!" may not solve all your problems, it is a first step that can make the difference between being stuck in organizational struggle and conflict, and achieving professional success.
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2:45 PM - 5:00 PM | |||||||
MASTER SERIES: Effective Decision-Making In Workforce ManagementAdvanced The turbulent environment mandates a fundamental re-evaluation of talent management strategies. Who does the work, how they do it and when/where they do it must fit the current and future realities. The decision process must include the right parties playing the right roles and must be based on all relevant evidence. Technology can support workforce analytics that augment human judgment. Each organization must reconsider its employer brand and its value proposition to ensure the right talent can be attracted, retained and motivated. Staffing, development, performance management and rewards management strategies must be viewed as equitable, competitive and appropriate.
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2:45 PM - 3:45 PM - Concurrent Session | |||||||
The Workforce of the Future is Built on a New ROIGlobal HR
SHRM PDCs: 1 A future-proof talent strategy includes re/up-skilling employees to ensure your organization remains competitive. When Darwin hypothesized about
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What Employers Need to Know Now about the Oregon Paid Family and Medical Insurance (PFMLI) ProgramLegal Compliance
SHRM PDCs: 1 As Oregon moves to the forefront of states establishing paid leave for employees, employers need to prepare for a myriad of new requirements. This session will discuss the latest developments in Oregon's Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (PFMLI) law, with a focus on what employers need to do to prepare to implement them. The state has planned for PFMLI Final Rules to be in place by September of 2021 with employer requirements to go into effect in January of 2022. This session will equip employers on steps to comply and ensure practices are in line to support ongoing compliance.
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Dare to Lead! Leadership Training Based on the Research of Dr. Brené BrownGlobal HR
SHRM PDCs: 1 The Dare to Lead! leadership training is for individuals committed to being more courageous leaders. This training is designed to provide new knowledge, skills, and tools for new leaders as well as seasoned, executive leaders. A leader is defined as someone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people or processes and has the courage to develop that potential. Workshop objectives are to understand, practice, and apply the four learned skill sets required for daring leadership: a) rumbling with vulnerability, b) living into our values, c) braving trust, and d) learning to rise.
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Crisis of Accountability (And What You Can Do About It)Strategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1 Glean a deeper perspective of what workplace accountability looks like and why it
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Building Super People ManagersTalent Acquisition and Retention
SHRM PDCs: 1 Managers are the key to workplace culture, employee engagement and organizational performance. Choosing the right ones and developing them right is the difference between a good and great organization. In this thoroughly engaging talk learn what skills make truly super people managers, how to develop and nurture those skills and how to build a community of super managers within your organization.
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The Employee Value Proposition: How do we make it relevant in a post-COVID world?The New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 1 An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is an employee-centric approach that helps employers articulate all they offer. It delivers the company
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4:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Concurrent Session | |||||||
Recalculating! How the Pandemic Has Caused Older Employees to Rethink Social Security & Medicare Filing DecisionsCompensation and Benefit Strategies
SHRM PDCs: 1 America
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The Aftermath of COVID-19: Managing Mental Illness at WorkLegal Compliance
SHRM PDCs: 1 The toll of COVID-19 on mental health has become one of the biggest challenges facing employers. Unlike physical injuries, mental illness can show up as subtle, erratic behavior that is easy to miss or dismiss until it becomes unhealthy or even dangerous. These challenges are amplified at work, where employers have a duty to protect employees, but to also avoid discrimination. This presentation will jump feet-first into the grey area of mental health accommodation, discussing current data and trends, as well as using real-life scenarios to help you understand your role in disability notice, interaction, and effective resolution.
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The Science of Managing Transitions During CrisisStrategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1 Learn the science of more effectively managing transitions, especially during a crisis. Changes happen quickly in the world, but transitions happen more slowly inside of people. This session will help you lead yourself and others through those transitions, so you can make the most of change. We will explore: * All three phases of transitions, even though most of us only are aware of two of them * Why optimism during a crisis is essential, but risky * Practical tools and techniques that will help you help your people boost their well-being, so they can be as innovative and productive as possible
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Learn Poker: Accelerate Your Career (and life!)Strategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1 Poker is played by 100 million people, but fewer than 10% of them are women. Poker Powher believes there is a link between why so few women play a game of skill and risk and even fewer women advance to the top in business and industry. When women learn poker, they learn game-changing skills. Allocating capital,
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Advanced Communication Skills for Today
Declutter Health Benefits to Drive Employee Engagement
The New Normal
COVID-19 has sharpened employee health into a white-hot priority for employers. And that s a good thing. Yet while employers are spending more per employee to provide better care, recent studies show that 43% of that spend goes unused by employees. Health platforms that combine data-driven insights and human guidance make it easier and faster for employees to take informed action about their health and well-being, resulting in cost savings and a healthier, more productive workforce.
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Welcome Reception
Tuesday, September 28
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM | |||||||
Registration & Information Desk Open |
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM | |||||||
Networking Breakfast in Tradeshow |
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM - General Session | |||||||
Shyft: Designing A Talent Analytics Strategy For Business ImpactGeneral Session
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 We live in an age where the prevalence of data has grown significantly. We see this both in our personal lives and also in the corporate world. There's no doubt that many companies are proactively finding ways to utilize data to improve decisions, gain a competitive advantage and provide greater value in the marketplace. Decision-making has become more significantly data-driven in recent years, than possibly any other time in history. However, while many organizational departments are capitalizing on the use of data, the average Human Resources Department still remains in an area where data analysis and analytics is underutilized. Why is this the case?
As a further comment, some HR authorities note that analytical ability is one of the critical skills that HR Professionals must have, in order to effectively support their organizations in the future. Here's the thing! Most HR Professionals lack this skill set and this is significantly reducing their impact and overall effectiveness. Employers need to prepare for a new Human Resources model that is influenced by data analysis and data-driven decisions. Organizations possess tremendous amounts of people-related data which, if analyzed correctly, can add tangible value to the development of HR strategies to better manage our most valuable assets - our employees.
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9:45 AM - 10:15 AM | |||||||
Networking Break in Tradeshow |
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM - Concurrent Session | |||||||
Making Your Health Benefits More Effective Through the Latest in Preventative Well-Being ProgramsCompensation and Benefit Strategies
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 The informative session will introduce programs that can make significant impacts on preventing employee health issues from escalating to more serious concerns. Programs we
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Drug Testing in the New Normal: How to Maintain Your Program in the Age of COVID and Legal MarijuanaThe New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 Drug testing has proven to be a powerful deterrent to drug use and an effective way to identify people who need help. However, the legalization of marijuana and lingering concerns surrounding COVID require employers to rethink their approach to drug testing. Testing for marijuana is still legal, but what employers can do with positive results is changing. A growing number of employers are deferring to testing methods, like oral fluid testing, that focus on recent-use detection versus lifestyle drug use detection. This presentation will explain the most recent legal marijuana developments and the legal defensibility of each drug testing method.
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Change is here: how leadership needs to adapt for the futureStrategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 As leaders and change agents, we have a responsibility to lead our projects, our organizations, and our communities through periods of continuous change. Leveraging four key pillars (grit, resilience, vulnerability, and empathy), we'll review key insights we can imbed into our practices at any level of the organization. Leveraging a framework of wellbeing, join us in identifying opportunities to close gaps in areas less commonly focused on in our work. With the launch of a playbook we've developed, we'll review our own measures of successes and lessons learned along the way.
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Fearless Leadership in Challenging TimesTalent Acquisition and Retention
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 In challenging times, leaders don
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Change your Perspective on ChangeThe New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 The one thing that remains constant is change! Dealing with HR change is ever prevalent in the age of COVID, where increased emotional and social distress has profound effects on your team
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A Research-Driven Approach that (Actually) Engages and Retains TalentTalent Acquisition and Retention
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 Attend this session to learn about a landmark study on the impact of social psychology on employee engagement, including how a psychology-based strategy more effectively retains talent. This approach to engaging employees will bring focus to your engagement efforts and end the cycle of relying on trendy, unproven perks or lackluster legacy programs that lost their impact long ago. In addition to learning about the Psychological Benefit Framework, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive activity designed to crowdsource ideas for how
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11:30 AM - 12:45 PM | |||||||
Networking Lunch in Tradeshow |
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM - Concurrent Session | |||||||
HR Strategies to Build Authentic, Inclusive Workplaces that reflect our World, not our BiasesDiversity and Inclusion
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 While research has shown that diverse and inclusive teams are better at problem-solving and fostering a global outlook, HR professionals still struggle with building strategies for the modern workplace that maximize diversity at all levels. When advanced from a humane perspective, diversity challenges can become valuable opportunities for workplace inclusion, increased productivity, stronger team collaboration, and competitiveness amongst your market peers. This workshop will help you understand the varying levels of inclusion, understanding D&I concepts and terms, brainstorm how changes to your processes for recruitment, hiring, and on-boarding can leverage diversity, and demonstrate how to build truly inclusive workplaces.
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Managing Workplace Safety & Responding to Protected Concerted Activity: Best Practices During COVID-19Legal Compliance
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 In this presentation, Kyle Abraham will discuss emerging forms of protected concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act in response to the pandemic. Employees in union and non-union settings are engaging in safety strikes; making demands related to hazard pay, vaccinations, and improved working conditions; protesting employer actions; and appealing to the public using the news and social media.
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Trauma Informed Leadership in Human ResourcesStrategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 In a 1999 groundbreaking study by the CDC and Kaiser Permanente, it was found that approximately 2/3 of Americans have experienced some form of adverse childhood experience and that these early experiences have lasting impacts. Research in the fields of neuroscience has increased our knowledge about brain architecture and this understanding presents the case for why trauma informed leadership is necessary in businesses. In this workshop, participants will learn how traumas impact our communication styles, interpersonal relationships, productivity, resilience, and other professional skills. The participants will also learn how to apply this knowledge to themselves, employee management, and leadership.
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Invisible Ink: The Psychological Contract and the Employee ExperienceStrategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 Within the words
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Personality and Leadership Styles: Understand Our Differences to Effectively Manage Your TalentTalent Acquisition and Retention
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 Are you tired of all the personality nonsense that comes with managing talent? This session will share how to use the DiSC leadership model to better understand candidates during the interview process, and how to work with current employees to keep them engaged and focused. You
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Rise Together: Building Trust with Virtual TeamsThe New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 High functioning, productive virtual teams rely on trust, productive conflict, buy-in and commitment to decisions, peer-to-peer accountability, and a focus on achieving collective results. Join us for this captivating and interactive program as we introduce the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team dynamic model and explore how it can build trust within virtual teams. Learners at all levels of an organization can use and adopt the powerful principles, shape behaviors and create a common language that empowers team members to rethink what it means to work and rise together.
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12:45 PM - 2:00 PM | |||||||
MASTER SERIES: Healthy Staff, Lower Costs: How to Respond to Addiction in the WorkplaceAdvanced This session will explore the dangers of substance use in the workplace. Discuss current trends, risks, and direct and indirect costs to businesses and organizations while considering how comprehensive behavioral health benefits can actually save a company money in their overall healthcare spend. Bob will walk participants through rapidly changing state laws around recreational marijuana and the emerging impact on the workforce providing suggestions and considerations to implement immediately.
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2:00 PM - 2:30 PM | |||||||
Networking Break in Tradeshow |
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM | |||||||
MASTER SERIES: Creating a Culture of Information & ActionAdvanced If you and the executives you support find yourselves presiding over an arms race of ever-rosier outlooks, ever-more-closely-managed presentations of current status, and ever-less-informative discussions about the real results you need your teams working on, this session is for you. Award-winning author and systemic culture change expert Ed Muzio will show you what you can do with your staff, today, to get it functioning better as soon as next week. Youll get yourself out of the business of guessing what people mean, and get your team sharply focused on the real results you owe your board, investors, and/or shareholders.
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2:30 PM - 3:45 PM - Concurrent Session | |||||||
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging: Breaking Down Stereotypes and Building ConnectionsDiversity and Inclusion
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 By breaking down stereotypes and other barriers to building meaningful connections, you can improve the scope and depth of diversity in your workplace, encourage more deliberate acts of inclusion, and foster a stronger sense of belonging among team members. Join us for this highly interactive program where participants will bust stereotypes, make personal connections, and learn 5 key guiding principles to creating a respectful, diverse and equitable workplace that engenders a meaningful sense of belonging.
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Mastering Leadership Development for the Digital AgeStrategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 Organizations are facing unprecedented disruption and rapid market change as well as changing expectations of the workforce. The speed of change creates opportunities but it can also cause disaster for those who don't keep up. We will discuss the leadership competencies that need to change and evolve in order to adapt to the digital age. This workshop will also provide how leadership development practices are changing and which competencies (both new and old) are most important for leaders to have and a leadership development framework for the digital age.
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The Key is Curiosity: The Greatest Leadership Trait of AllStrategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 Sometimes the act of being curious is negatively portrayed as being nosy. However, in this session, you
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The Cost of Doing Nothing in HR: Mistakes I
Time to Rebrand! Revitalize! and Relaunch! Your Career
Talent Acquisition and Retention
SHRM PDCs: 1.25
Let s talk about you. The past couple of years have been exhausting and you may be thinking that it s time for a career reboot& or maybe just a refresh. Are you ready to take your own career to the next level? Ready to try for that new job, get that promotion, ask for the new title, or request a pay increase? Then let s make sure you get prepped for success! We ll walk you through the 5-steps that Dr. Wade uses to coach others to rebrand themselves as they move ahead in their careers.
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Effectively Rewarding Performance: Key To Workforce Effectiveness
The New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 1.25
Organizations must define, manage and reward performance in a manner that is equitable, competitive and appropriate. The performance and reward systems are a critical component of the organization's value proposition and they impact its employer brand. Employees and those who would do work for the organization must accept the value proposition in order to be motivated to join the organization, remain with the organization, and to contribute their best efforts to make the organization successful. As the economic environment has become so volatile and unpredictable strategies must be agile, so they adapt to fit the current context. When what the organization needs changes so should its definition of performance (at the organizational, group and individual levels) and how it manages and rewards it must remain a good fit to the environment.
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Dogs, Drinks and Dependents: Avoiding Legal Risks With Remote Work
Legal Compliance
What do we do if someone interviewed from their bed? My employee said they sprained their ankle walking from their home office to the fridge for a snack. Is that a workplace injury? During a virtual meeting an employee looked like they were drinking a beer. What do we do? Remote work has presented some new and interesting (sometimes comical) situations that also can have legal implications. Remote work is here to stay and this session will help you understand these risks and provide specific steps to not only stay compliant, but also keep your teams connected and productive.
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How to Build Better Bosses
Strategic Leadership
Effective managers are key to any organization succeeding. If you are looking to bring a strategic edge to your organization, training and developing those managers is a key component. This presentation will show the importance of balancing performance management, strategic goals and initiatives, wants and needs of employees and managers, and tight budgets while working to implement a culture of learning. The outcome will be managers who are more effective and a workforce that is motivated, educated, and turns over infrequently.
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Even Better Decision-Making as a HR Professional
Strategic Leadership
Having the ability to make a quick, yet good decision is imperative as a HR professional. One of the most useful benefits of being an excellent decision maker is saving time. You know which decisions you can make just trusting your instinct, and which ones need some research first. The ability to make educated, yet fast decisions will free up your time from overthinking! Applying the concepts from the session will help you make better decisions faster, be able to have clear logic and gain more support and credibility for your decisions as a HR professional.
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HR 3.0: Are you ready for the next generation of HR?
Strategic Leadership
While HR has been changing, COVID catapulted it into the next phase - what many dubbed HR 3.0. Our relationship with people, leadership, the organization, technology, and the global community are exponentially different from just a few years ago. The competencies required to be successful in HR today are substantial and largely unrecognized even within our own ranks. As we move into a brave new world, it s time to recognize that we have already entered a new phase in HR. To remain successful, we must identify these changing demands and the tools we need to master.
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Managing the Remote Worker, from Compliance Considerations to Employee Engagement
The New Normal
COVID-19 forced many companies to reimagine how work is accomplished in many cases, investing in technology to facilitate remote work. As employers put the pandemic behind them, however, many are realizing it s not possible, or even desirable, to close the door entirely on working remotely. For Human Resources professionals, this new reality carries widespread implications, from managing the reasonable accommodation process to monitoring culture and defining how performance is measured. This presentation is designed to tackle real-world problems and suggested methods for leveraging your HR experience to help your employees succeed in the virtual world.
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Teaming Anywhere: 6 Steps to Creating Psychological Safety
The New Normal
Teams are everywhere but the way we are teaming has changed. Hybrid teaming is bringing new challenges to not only team leaders but also team members. Psychological safety is the foundation of truly successful teams. This allows individuals to be themselves and openly express ideas and concerns without a fear of retribution. I blend the latest in research with practical application, so you come away with a clear framework, tools, and tips to get the most out of your team(s) in the hybrid work settings of today.
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Wednesday, September 29
7:30 AM - 1:30 PM | ||||
Registration & Information Desk Open |
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Concurrent Session | ||||
Employee Benefits Compliance Considerations for 2021 and BeyondLegal Compliance
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 2020 brought a lot of changes for employers and we
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How to Build Better LeadersStrategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 Effective managers are the key to any organization succeeding. Strategic leaders are necessary if you are looking to bring a strategic edge to your organization. Transforming successful managers into strategic leaders through training and development is a key component. This presentation will show you how to build the basic skills of your managers and then transform those managers into successful leaders that operate with a strategic, value-added, success-based, and personal and professional growth-minded focus. The outcome will be organizational leaders who are more effective and a workforce that is motivated, educated, and turns over infrequently.
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Bringing the Buyer's Journey to Recruiting & RetentionTalent Acquisition and Retention
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 In many organizations, marketing for new customers and recruiting new employees are separate functions. However, if the competition for talent is high and loyalty to a business is low, understanding human behavior as it applies to purchasing decisions can give recruiting and retention a leg up. This presentation will walk the participants through the latest research and strategies used by innovative marketing departments and how to apply them to both recruiting and retention teams.
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Thrust into the Unknown: Help Your Clients Create the Agility They Desperately NeedThe New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 Technology, Politics, Markets, COVID we face constant uncertainty in big and small ways. Your clients simply must pivot repeatedly! But too often even small changes face resistance: Staffers delay, managers obfuscate, employees hide. No wonder your clients adjust more slowly than they should they're limited by pain, not need! HR is uniquely positioned to install real agility in everyday life and fix this problem. Teach simple, proven behaviors that operationalize real flexibility at ALL levels and help your leadership get ahead of the next change instead of chasing the last one.
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How to Thrive as a Remote WorkforceThe New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 While the COVID-19 pandemic forced many employers to shift part or all of their workforce to working remotely, many companies are actively considering the ongoing role of working remotely or telecommuting on a permanent basis. How do you know if remote work or having distributed teams is right for your company? What are the telecommuting benefits that can be optimized and the missteps to avoid? In this session, we will identify the foundational elements that need to be in place for successfully managing a telecommuting workforce.
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8:30 AM - 10:00 AM | ||||
MASTER SERIES: Personality Science: A Foundation for Culture, Part 1Advanced Coaching to the strength of each personality is the foundation of people-focused culture. 1. What is the Five-Factor Model 2. Using it to promote the greatness in others 3. Accepting differences as normal and synergistic 4. Predicting perceptions and behaviors of those you lead 5. How personality science will reshape your culture.
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10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Concurrent Session | ||||
The Balancing Act of PFML in Multiple StatesGlobal HR
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 Employers in Washington, Oregon, California and Colorado will soon have to contend with PFML statutory benefits, along with paid sick leave benefits, that operate very differently. Employers are being tasked with finding out how to creatively balance their benefits programs to account for those employees within those states as well employees in states who don't have access to those programs. This presentation will share the similarities and differences of these various state programs, show how to integrated changes to STD, LTD and leave programs in order to ensure a world class benefits program for all employees.
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Lead Between the Lines: Using Coaching & Engagement to Raise the Performance BarLegal Compliance
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 Meaningful, effective leadership requires courage, accountability, and masterfully balancing employee engagement, performance management, positive coaching, legal compliance, risk management, and some good old fashion common sense. Join us for this engaging and informative program as we explore a modern, cohesive and practical leadership model that is surprisingly simple in its complex integration of these competencies with some documentation tips and strategies thrown in for good measure. Could it really be that easy? Join us to find out!
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Thriving Through Change & Inspiring AccountabilityStrategic Leadership
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 Our communities are craving leaders that inspire accountability and pave the way for others to do the same. How do we coach our leaders to address real-time opposition they might face with their teams and use it to channel accountability? This hands-on, interactive session demystifies how we process through change using a visual framework that identifies the crucial behaviors that move us from opposition and into curiosity, problem solving, sustainable engagement and personal accountability. Walk away with best practices for helping yourself and employees effectively stay
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The Undoing: Labor Law Update 2021Legal Compliance
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 A new administration brings a new National Relations Board; Biden may appoint two NLRB vacancies by October 2021. NLRB regional offices are likely to selectively field board charges on handbook rules, union access to employer property, the scope of protected activity, and use of employer equipment for union activity. Biden
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Self-Care for HR - You Deserve It!The New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 1.5 The last year+ has been stressful and a rollercoaster of emotions. Burnout is when you give, and give, and you feel like you are not getting anything back from others. You keep giving from your bucket and there is nothing to or no one filling it back up for you. For HR, you may have experienced sleepless nights, Zoom Fatigue and Compassion Fatigue (occurring as a result of helping others who are experiencing emotional or physical pain). You need to administer self-care and I don
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GSD: The Magic of Getting
MASTER SERIES: Personality Science: A Foundation for Culture, Part 2
Coaching to the strength of each personality is the foundation of people-focused culture. 1. What is the Five-Factor Model 2. Using it to promote the greatness in others 3. Accepting differences as normal and synergistic 4. Predicting perceptions and behaviors of those you lead 5. How it personality science will reshape your culture.
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A Rebel's Guide to Change, Growth and Innovation
General Session
SHRM PDCs: 1.5
Like any rules of improv comedy games, constraints actually help us be more creative. They offer boundaries and limit our choices, helping us avoid overwhelm and stay focused. Learn how to use the changes in your industry, your budget and other constraints as useful tools to keep creativity and innovation flowing. Nothing exciting or new happens in business without taking some creative risks. Learning to trust your ideas can become your superpower. We all need to learn how to give up rigid attachment to our expectations and learn to thrive in all stages of growth: personally and professionally. Improv can teach us how to hand anything. Being flexible allows for creativity and collaboration as you move forward, adapting and innovating along the way to building something that you cant quite see the end game of yet, but trust that will be brilliant.
Katie's interactive keynote speeches and break-out sessions are smart, funny and engaging. Katie teaches us how to use the tools of improv comedy for innovation, collaboration, breaking out of creative ruts in the workplace, and how to "Gag Your Inner-Critic." She gets the creative juices flowing that make people and companies passionate, productive, and energized.
Katie's interactive keynote speeches and break-out sessions are smart, funny and engaging. Katie teaches us how to use the tools of improv comedy for innovation, collaboration, breaking out of creative ruts in the workplace, and how to "Gag Your Inner-Critic." She gets the creative juices flowing that make people and companies passionate, productive, and energized.
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The Great Organizational Re-set: Five Steps to Take NowThe New Normal
SHRM PDCs: 1 Emerging from the COVID-19 crisis, it is more important now than ever before to create and maintain a workplace culture where employees can fulfill their potential and the organization can effectively realize its purpose. A critically important challenge is dealing with the inevitable organizational changes that have been occurring. Jobs are changing in terms of duties and accountabilities, as well as required behaviors and technical competencies and reporting relationships are being re-aligned. Learn the five key organizational wellness steps to take now.
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Compensation and Benefits - The Future of Work and PayCompensation and Benefit Strategies
SHRM PDCs: 1 Many companies shared a common business strategy that reinforced coming to work. In fact, this was so pervasive that some companies provided a plethora of concierge services focused on keeping people physically at work. The era of COVID has forced employers to challenge this traditional notion of work. How will we now
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Vaping is the New Smoking - Understanding Nicotine Use-related Wellness and Workplace PolicyLegal Compliance
SHRM PDCs: 1.25 This program provides a deep dive in to the regulatory constraints placed upon employers related to smoking and vaping cessation, while taking the time to delve into the most common cessation strategies. Also, the speakers will advance some new ideas for smoking cessation you might not have considered, to date. With a focus on why tobacco incentives and penalties are impactful and a review of the applicable and new regulatory compliance considerations for 2021, participants in this session will learn various strategies to adopt, implement and administer a successful vape/smoke-free workplace policy and a complimentary wellbeing program.
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The Biden Administration
Creating a Culture of Wellness: Who is Taking Care of You?
Diversity and Inclusion
Employee wellness, inclusive workplace culture and job security are the greatest concerns for businesses today. Crisis and change at work has a lasting impact on employee behavior including, engagement, productivity and loyalty. Employers can help address those fears in meaningful ways by creating a work culture that is caring, empathetic, and promotes individual wellness. This presentation focuses on how the development of personal awareness can lead to a sustaining, prosperous, and caring culture.
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Managing the Complexity of Global HR
Global HR
SHRM PDCs: 1.5
In Real Estate, we think about Location, Location, Location. When it comes to managing your global HR operation the mantra is Different, Different, Different; as in everything is different based on the countries in which you are operating and the regulatory changes that seem to happen every day. In this session, Mike Butler will share some trends in global expansion; help you anticipate global HR complexities and avoid nasty surprises. Don t assume you will have a talent pool on your doorstep when you head overseas. Important therefore to retain the dreams of those important overseas employees.
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