<— Wednesday, October 9 | Friday, October 11 →
Thursday, October 10
7:30 am - 8:30 am — Networking Breakfast in Tradeshow
8:30 - 10:00 am — General Session featuring Keynote Speaker, Glen Hiemstra
"Lessons From the Future"

A presentation on medium and longer term future trends and the resulting opportunities that will impact the future of the workforce, the workplace, customers, and organizations, including demographics, economics, technology, talent management, organization design and related issues. The presentation will include questions and answers and discuss the power or vision for the preferred future and tools and mental models required for shaping the future.
Glen, who was educated at Whitworth College, the University of Oregon, and the University of Washington, is the author of "Turning the Future into Revenue: What Businesses and Individuals Need to Know to Shape Their Future" (Wiley & Sons 2006), and the co-author of "Strategic Leadership: Achieving Your Preferred Future". He has also served as a media technical advisor for Steven Bochco Productions (creator of “Hill Sreet Blues” and “NYPD Blue”) and is often cited in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, US News & World Report, The Futurist, USA Today, Business Week, the Economist, and the Los Angeles Times.
Don’t miss the chance to hear Glen’s message yourself and prepare for the future!
10:00 am - 10:30 am — Networking Break in Tradeshow
10:30 am - 12:00 pm — Concurrent Workshops
TH01) HR as Cultural Visionaries (Presentation)
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
We believe that the Human Resource Department must be the advocates and relentless voice for a strong service culture. A “service culture” is defined as a place where employees love to come to work and customers love to do business.
A service culture defines how we serve our employees, how we serve each other and how we serve our customers. If a service culture is not a priority to the organization, who gets punished? The HR department can take the biggest hit with the most radial impact. Many directors or managers are focused on their department or job duties and not the “culture”: they are busy working ''in'' the business instead of working ''on'' the business. This is where the HR department must be the visionaries and stewards of the culture. Brad will provide the steps required to help you create and sustain a strong service culture.
Brad Worthley, President, Brad Worthley International, Bellevue, Washington
TH02) Employee Engagement of the Future: Civic Participation and Volunteerism
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
As the Great Recession lingers, workplaces grapple with low employee morale and nonprofits scramble to supplant diminishing cash donations. Civic participation and volunteerism may be the antidote for both. In this presentation, we’ll review the literature and help you build a business case for incorporating civic engagement into your organization. An important part of that business case will include employee generational differences and workplace satisfaction. We’ll also discuss how meaningful civic engagement can either make or break your organization’s understanding of corporate responsibility and integrity.
Julie Anderson, Pierce County Auditor, Pierce County, Tacoma, Washington
TH03) Hidden Disabilities in the Workplace (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
Today, 1 in 88 individuals are diagnosed along the autism spectrum; therefore, most large companies already employs many of those individuals-even if they have not disclosed, or are even diagnosed. Our presentation provides an overview of the increasing role Asperger's Syndrome (AS) has assumed within Diversity & Inclusion strategies, outlines both the challenges and benefits AS presents to large companies, and provides the beginner steps towards managing these employees more effectively. The presentation also summarizes potential recruiting challenges of college-educated people on the spectrum.
You’ll leave the session with:
1) Increased ability to recognize Asperger behaviors in current employees
2) Awareness of legal issues surrounding Disclosure
3) Tools for successfully managing possibly spectrum employees
4) Benefits to your company of including employees with Asperger's Syndrome into your workforce
Michael John Carley, Executive Director, ASTEP, New York, New York
TH04) Workforce Trends: Aligning HR Strategic Succession/Workforce Planning to Business (Presentation)
Workforce Planning and Analytics of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
Today's business leaders are speaking with one voice: they share a belief that the #1 future strategic threat to business success will be an organizations’ capability to hire and/or build sufficient, qualified talent in the next decade. In fact, the ability to secure and retain qualified key talent is quickly becoming analogous to a ''shrinking mud puddle on a 90 degree day.'' HR is being asked to develop strategic systems and strategies to meet this challenge.
It is not enough to just replace vacancies as they occur; HR must now be ready to execute creative and formal strategies that will improve strategic hiring decisions, address succession planning and talent readiness, and ensure successful transition, assimilation and deployment when required. Learn how organizations are building successful succession planning and strategic workforce planning strategies to meet these new challenges.
Penny McBain, Senior Talent Consultant, Providence Health & Services, Portland, Oregon
TH05) Preventing the Catastrophic Collapse — Identifying Key Leadership Failures In Conflict Resolution
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
Sometimes conflict is slow brewing and organizations adapt by slowly increasing the collective pain tolerance. Other times, incidents reveal serious flaws in the metal of a leader and organizational responsiveness. No make believe scenarios here. True to life ''don't let this happen to you'' stories of well-intentioned or mismanaged workplace instances that caused serious headaches will be discussed. This is your opportunity to gain from another's pain as well as learn how to evaluate if your organization has the potential to suffer a ‘catastrophic’ conflict
Carol Bowser, President/Owner, Conflict Management Strategies, Inc, Puyallup, Washington
TH06) Strategic Negotiation for the Modern Human Resource Executive (Handouts)
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
HR Executives, regardless of their focus, must negotiate. All of their interactions involve negotiations. HR Executives resolve far more disputes through negotiation than through sheer power. This is a basic fact that must be recognized.
Effective negotiation is no longer about tactics, it is about a strategic assessment of both parties' needs. This workshop is designed to develop this understanding. We'll improve your knowledge of negotiation, and your effectiveness as a negotiator. The job of the HR Executive has moved beyond the simple win-lose and win-win: you can no longer afford to look at the world this way. Building strategic relationships with your subordinates, peers, and, most importantly, with your executive team, is what the 21st century calls for.
Strategic Negotiation techniques help you transform your daily interactions. Yet the art of persuasion remains vitally important. Effective use of political and people skills has never been more important. We'll ensure that you improve these abilities, as you develop negotiation frameworks that you'll use throughout your career.
Alan Cabelly, Professor, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
TH07) Workplace Bullying: Solutions and Prevention
Workplace Relations, Employment Law and Risk Management of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
For the person misusing their power and the people working with them. Paul discusses what bullying is and looks at why individuals make this choice, sometimes without realizing it. You’ll receive effective remedies to prevent bullying and help those affected stop the behavior. He also shares ways for individuals to say “No” from a place of power.
Paul Figueroa, CEO, Peace Enforcement LLC, Seattle, Washington
TH08) Visualize Your Future with Patti Dobrowolski
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
Patti discusses the importance of activating your right brain to create your visual future and using your own illustration to change your life. She is the founder of Up Your Creative Genius, a consulting firm that uses visuals and creative processes to help companies and individuals around the world accelerate growth and create positive change that enhances culture, employee performance and the bottom line. An internationally recognized keynote speaker, critically acclaimed comic performer, writer and business consultant, she has brought her innovative visual practices to NGOs, Fortune 500 companies, small businesses and individuals around the world.
Patti Dobrowolski, Speaker, Author, Change Agent, Seattle, Washington
THA1) Is China in Your Business Plan? If Not, It Probably Will Be.
Approved for 1.5 International Management Credits
The People’s Republic of China has become one of the most strategic trade partners with organizations of every type in the Pacific Northwest. As your organization’s presence in China grows, HR professionals must be prepared to offer guidance about the human implications of interacting with, and doing business in China. This session is designed to raise awareness of some of the key issues and opportunities where HR can provide strategic guidance to organizations entering China, or already doing business with Chinese partners.
Jim Steele, Associate Professor of Management, George Fox University, Tualatin, Oregon
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm — Networking Lunch in Tradeshow
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm — Concurrent Workshops
TH09) Building Organizational Accountability and the Nature of Organizational Structure (Presentation)
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 1.5 Strategic Business Management Credits
Few words are more used (and misused) to creative motivation, responsibility and a sense of ownership for getting things done than ''accountability''. In truth, creating effective accountability in organizations begins with how the hierarchy is designed and how roles and assignments are delegated. This workshop will examine the subject both from a systematic and individual perspective AND will clarify the definition of the word once and for all.
Jim Morris, Principal/Consultant, Moementum, Inc., Bend, Oregon
TH10) Diverse Generations: Leaders of the Future (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
Diversity in the workplace is not new, but being able to effectively manage age diversity in addition to managing all other types of diversity is a new challenge for managers. This presentation provides a general profile of each generation and goes on to discuss leadership techniques that enable us to effectively manage/motivate individuals from any generational group.
Joel Steadman, Vice President of Sales, SOS Employment Group, Salt Lake City, Utah
TH11) Ninety Minute MBA: Business Fundamentals for the HR Practitioner (Presentation)
Workforce Planning and Analytics of the Future - Approved for 1.5 Strategic Business Management Credits
What are the component pieces of a P&L? What marketing terminology is helpful to drive business decisions? How can basic business principles be applied to create an HR strategy? What are the top level learnings from MBA programs that every HR practitioner should know?
Aligning HR practices to meet business needs is the biggest challenge that will be facing HR practitioners in the next few years. This is also the area in which HR traditionally encounters difficulty. The ability to understand and diagnose business challenges of organizations will be a hallmark of quality HR. In this session we will condense high level MBA concepts and apply them in such a way that HR practitioners can utilize these principles to develop focused agendas and better support the needs of their organizations.
This session will discuss common financial and P&L terminology as well as basic marketing principles that every HR professional should fully understand and be able to apply in their daily activity. We will then apply these principles to best practice development of a comprehensive HR agenda.
Michael Walters, Vice President, Human Resources, Verathon Medical, Bothell, Washington
Total Rewards of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
Are you concerned about retention of your star performers? Trying to figure out ways to handle those highly paid staff who are less productive than others who are paid less? Wondering what to do when a partner or employee comes in with the latest salary.com figures? Come hear about compensation practices that are still popular with regional employers, and which are losing favor, and what companies are planning for salary increases for 2014. Labor costs are a huge expense for most organizations. As HR professionals we have the ability to significantly impact the bottom line through our compensation programs. Take this opportunity to get the latest tips and hints from a regional expert!
Catherine Dovey, Principal, Compensation Works, Seattle, Washington
TH13) Workforce Planning: Coping With Turbulent Environments (Presentation)
Workforce Planning and Analytics of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
Workforce planning is a pre-requisite for building an effective workforce and for sustaining its viability into the future. But traditional approaches often do not cope well with turbulent environments. The downsizing activity during the recent economic crisis illustrates the inadequacy of planning approaches in numerous organizations. HR must begin to employ sophisticated techniques such as scenario-based planning and risk analysis if strategies are to be effective. Research has demonstrated that at least two-thirds of downsizing initiatives fail to meet their objectives and the serial use of downsizing can damage an organization's brand as an employer. Yet the lack of effective workforce planning can create dilemmas that seem irreconcilable... costly fixed cost workforces at a time when revenues vacillate wildly. By utilizing sophisticated planning tools, HR can help the organization avoid falling into the fixed cost workforce/variable revenue trap.
Robert Greene, CEO, Reward Systems, Inc., Glenview, Illinois
TH14) Scaling Executive Coaching Across the Enterprise (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
The rise of globalized organizations and a more collaborative nature of work, along with the growing risk and cost of employee turnover have propelled coaching into the spotlight as a primary means of employee development and an imperative skill for leaders to learn. Indeed, in the face of weakened talent retention and a fragmented labor market, turnover costs can reach $400K for organizations, notwithstanding the loss of morale and poor branding. As a result, organizations have a renewed focus on investing in activities and development methods to motivate, engage, and retain employees. But, how prepared are organizations to scale their coaching? What measures must be considered and implemented in order to move from an individual coaching model to building an organizational coaching culture? How can global reach be accomplished with local touch? In this session, Lee Hecht Harrison will explore how the development method of coaching, historically an individual process reserved for senior leaders, has shifted to a global necessity among all levels of an organization, based on data from their 2012 report in partnership with HCI.
Theresa Kinney, VP, Lee Hecht Harrison, Bellevue, Washington
Natalie Miller, VP of Business Development, Lee Hecht Harrison, Portland, Oregon
TH15) Can Employers Legally Discriminate Against Obese, Sick & Lazy People? (Presentation)
Workplace Relations, Employment Law and Risk Management of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
Rising health care costs have prompted employers to consider wellness programs to rein in the costs. The health care reform law provides strict guidelines which allow employers to offer incentives to employees who choose healthy lifestyles. But what might be legal for wellness programs may be illegal under other laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. This program will address how to design a legally compliant wellness program while avoiding the legal minefields created by anti-discrimination laws such as the ADA.
Katheryn Bradley, Attorney, Lane Powell PC, Seattle, Washington
Craig A. Day, Attorney, Lane Powell PC, Seattle, Washington
TH16) What Really Happens Behind the Wall? (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.5 General Credits
The presentation will use humor and group interaction to address the myths, realities, and challenges of employing ex-inmates. Statistics from national & regional correctional resources will help broaden awareness on prison population demographics and average cost to incarcerate an individual. The workshop will explore ongoing training & education programs that teach work ethic & technical/trade skills designed to assist inmates to secure long term employment and reduce the rate of recidivism.
Kevin Alano, HR Manager, Oregon Corrections Enterprises, Salem, Oregon
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm — Networking Break in Tradeshow
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm — Exhibitor Dismantle
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm — Concurrent Workshops
TH17) Assessing Organizational Readiness for Change (Presentation)
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 1.0 Strategic Business Management Credit
This presentation is designed to bring participants into a generally accepted definition of organizational readiness for change within the context of professional HR practice. The workshop will then provide discussion of the three major components of readiness – its harbingers, barriers, and outcomes. The course will also provide tools and tests that practitioners might bring to both large and small scale organizational change. Lastly, participants will also have an opportunity to discuss successes and failures of change within their setting, and how the diligence of readiness assessment (or lack thereof) played a role.
Anne Ball, Director, People & Culture, KCTS Television, Seattle, Washington
TH18) Obama's NLRB Rewrites Labor Law for NON-UNION Employers (Presentation)
Workplace Relations, Employment Law and Risk Management of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Mr. Van Dusen will focus his presentation on the 2013 and earlier National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) cases attacking employer policies that the NLRB has found violative of employee Section VII rights under the National Labor Relations Act to promote unionization and engage in concerted activity. Topics covered will include: restricting employee use of social media to criticize the employer, restricting employee use of employer email and intranet systems to promote unionization, restricting application of the employment at will rule, and employer confidentiality requirements for workplace investigations.
Frank Van Dusen, Partner, Miller Nash LLP, Seattle, Washington
TH19) Exceeding Customer Expectations (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Businesses can no longer have the goal of meeting the customer’s expectations; the goal today must be to exceed them. What does that look like from the customer’s perspective? Brad will entertain you with great stories and hilarious examples of businesses that step out of the box and find ways to “Wow” the customer. You will learn about how customers create their perceptions of you, your employees and your business. You will walk away with actionable information with which to make changes the very same day. Some of the topics covered will include the three customer levels, creating emotional attachments, perception becomes the customer’s reality, the three levels of listening, using pedestal words, and how people judge us.
Brad Worthley, President, Brad Worthley International, Bellevue, Washington
TH20) Leveraging Big Data and Analytics to Drive Human Capital and Business Success
Workforce Planning and Analytics of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Big data is here. Data analysts are leveraging big data to help businesses better understand their customers, markets and operations. HR can learn and leverage some of these techniques to better understand how to attract and retain talent, engage employees, enhance managerial effectiveness and drive business performance. We will provide an overview of big data, how it is being used in the consumer world and discuss applications for the human capital world. We will also provide best practices for getting started with analytics for HR.
David Youssefnia, President, Critical Metrics, LLC, Seattle, Washington
Charles Scherbaum, Director of Research and Analytics, Critical Metrics, LLC, Seattle, Washington
TH21) Compensation Design Strategies that Drive Performance and Sustainability (Presentation)
Total Rewards of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
During this session, Winston will reveal critical design and administration strategies that hold the key to success for base pay compensation systems in practice today. Review competitive target market strategies. Examine the minefields of pay for performance, compa ratio management and point factor job evaluation.
Learn how to balance both internal equity and target market data in a comprehensive compensation plan structure and how to tie pay-for-performance to base pay increases. Understand administrative pitfalls in salary increases that can undermine pay-for-performance programs.
Winston Tan, Principal, Human Resources and Rewards, Intandem, Liberty Lake, Washington
TH22) What's Leadership Got to Do With It? (Workbook)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Leadership is the alpha and omega of Organizational Effectiveness and yet so few organizations know how to develop and leverage their leadership to improve productivity, manage growth and change, and keep the organization moving in the right direction. We will share results of studies showing the impact leadership has on organizational performance. We will provide data showing the impact that 6 distinct leadership styles has on the work climate and we will provide key strategies for what works in developing individual leaders as well as leadership teams that drive high performance in organizations.
Lynda Silsbee, Founder & Principal Consultant, Performance Dimensions Group, Kirkland, Washington
Amanda Spraker, Senior Consultant, Performance Dimensions Group, Kirkland, Washington
TH23) Engagement Done Right: Maximize Impact & Optimize Spend (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.0 International Management Credit
Michelle will share best-practice research on employee engagement and she’ll reveal the truly startling results of a global study of 13 countries and 10,000 participants from every industry. This is the first study that has been able to quantitatively show the astounding impact of adding strategic appreciation into a business culture. She’ll suggest where to focus your resources to maximize engagement – especially with limited resources in a recovering economy. Rich with actionable ideas on how to achieve specific business results; including proven tools and how-to's; easy, quick, and even low-cost or no cost recognition solutions that can be implemented immediately.
Michelle Smith, VP, Business Development, O.C. Tanner, Glendale, California
TH24) Putting the "Diversity Lens" on Talent Management (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Increasing globalization, coupled with historic demographic shifts in the workforce, demand that organizations build a robust pipeline of diverse and culturally competent candidates for organizational roles. The presenters demonstrate how to go beyond simple checklists and benchmarks and apply maturity and causal models to help organizations determine the source of diversity barriers. Case studies and measurement models are used to illustrate how other organizations have created and managed a diverse talent pipeline.
Participants will engage in guided exercises using models to identify their diversity barriers, build a rationale for addressing them, and develop new insights into diversity management in their organizations. Exercises will be debriefed so participants learn from each other.
Robert Lewis, VP, Western Region, APTMetrics, Sammamish, Washington
4:15 pm - 5:15 pm — Concurrent Workshops
TH25) Digital Team Building for the Win!
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Do you have challenges managing people virtually? Are you looking to increase communication and trust on your virtual team? Do you want to increase results and performance of your physical team with technology? Learn how to use Digital Team Building Games to build communication, trust and team performance over technology.
Using your web enabled phone, tablet or laptop, you and your teams will go through at least 3 different team building challenges to increase creativity, improve your process, build trust and increase performance. This session is a fast-paced, experiential session that will tap the power of your virtual teams, increase relationships and show you how to get even more comfortable with cutting edge technology to solve every day challenges. This session is based on the NEW Wiley & Sons book, “50 Digital Team Building Games” and gives your team the latest in team building technology. In this session, you will learn new technologies that can increase team performance for little or no money, learn at least 3 new team building initiatives you can use with your team to increase communication, trust and team performance, and learn how to take at least one new action back to your teams at work to increase results or complete a team task in less time and resources. Combining 15 years of corporate team building with 10 years of Microsoft experience, John creates innovative corporate team building and leadership programs that create human change.
John Chen, CEO, Geoteaming, Seattle, Washington
TH26) Documenting the Value HR Contributes to Company Goals and the Bottom Line (Presentation)
Workforce Planning and Analytics of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
A long-standing myth perpetuates the notion that you can’t really measure what HR does. HR, just like marketing, operations, or finance must be evaluated by the results of its actions and the value it adds to the organization. For HR to fulfill its role as a strategic business partner, HR must use metrics that reflect organizational strategies, goals and objectives. This session will coach HR professionals on how they can become a “strategic business partner” in their organization by developing and utilizing metrics that measure HR’s contributions to their company’s strategic goals and objective and the bottom line.
Sue Jones, Managing Director, KLS Group, Bend, Oregon
TH27) Workplace Myths & Truths: What Works at Work Today (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Staff engagement is down, distrust is up, and job satisfaction is the lowest in two decades. Discover what motivates employees today, why the generation issue is not what you think it is, and how myths of decades past may be getting in your way. Learn common mistakes and uncommon behaviors as you explore what it takes to get results in this new era at work. Learn the key to creating pockets of excellence where people do great work. Explore what's changed, what's changing, and the essential skills you'll need for a successful future.
Nan Russell, President, MountainWorks Communications, Whitefish, Montana
TH28) Are You Getting Ripped Off? Employee Benefit Best Practices (Presentation)
Total Rewards of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Now that PPACA is here to stay, it's time you start paying attention to your responsibilities under the health reform law, and to find out how to avoid paying more than you should for health benefits. In this workshop, you will discover what lies ahead with respect to how to deal with PPACA and how you will need to focus your attention on protecting your health plan's assets.
Employers everywhere are being billed by providers fraudulently, with an estimated $700 BILLION in inappropriate payments being made by companies and governments in 2013. The presentation will reveal how you're probably being ripped off, and how to avoid paying for things you simply shouldn't pay for. With the cost of health care rising every year, it's critical that employers identify ways to manage the risk of employee benefits, which represents the second largest employee expense next to payroll. Don't miss this critical part of your overall corporate risk management strategy!
Thomas Doney, President, Cypress Benefit Administrators, Appleton, Wisconsin
TH29) 50 Shades of Grey — The Complexities of OFCCP Compliance in 2013 (Presentation)
Workplace Relations, Employment Law and Risk Management of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
During the previous four years, the OFCCP administration developed a long wish list of enforcement plans and proposed regulations. With the presidential election over, OFCCP is continuing their plan to overhaul the agency and expand contractor requirements. OutSolve will shine a light on the grey areas of compliance from recruiting and recordkeeping to compensation and placement goals. Attendees will learn to apply a practical compliance program with limited budget and resources.
Jeremy Mancheski, Principal, OutSolve, Metairie, Louisiana
Chris Lindholm, Vice President of Compliance, OutSolve, Metairie, Louisiana
TH30) Becoming a Strategic Global HR Leader (Presentation)
Strategic Business Management & Organizational Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 1.0 International Management Credit
The future of HR depends on evolving into a strategic role that drives global talent management for companies. In this session, we will examine the cycle of global talent management from sourcing and selection to onboarding and retention. We will consider numerous examples of what leading companies are doing in a variety of talent contexts and how that aligns with organizational culture and globalization.
Mark Frederick, Director, Global Talent Management, IOR Global Services, Canoga Park, California
TH31) Celling to Candidates - Mobile Recruitment (Presentation)
Talent Acquisition & Development of the Future - Approved for 1.0 General Credit
Just as with internet recruiting 10 years ago, mobile recruitment is revolutionizing how organizations build bridges to candidates – sourcing, recruiting and communicating with top talent requires new strategies and methodologies. Today, companies must decide if they will be trailblazers in the market or wait and risk falling behind their competitors. This session, hosted by Marc Horn of The RightThing, An ADP Company, will address how and why candidates should embrace the mobile medium when it comes to building lasting, cutting-edge recruiting standards that will carry a strategy into the future. Horn will also discuss emerging best practices and share specific case studies, ideas and examples from forward-thinking organizations that have successfully integrated mobile technology.
Marc Horn, National Sales Manager, The RightThing, An ADP Company, Findlay, Ohio
TH32) Workplace Flexibility: The Next Imperative for Business Success and HR Leadership
Strategic Business Management & Organization Effectiveness of the Future - Approved for 1.0 Strategic Business Management Credit
Workplace flexibility has become a key business strategy to leverage the talents and skills of today’s increasingly diverse, aging, and multi-generational workforce. In this session, you will learn how flexible work arrangements such as job sharing, flexible scheduling, phased retirement, and telecommuting can drive employee engagement, productivity, retention, and benefit your organization’s bottom line. You will also examine case studies of companies that have won the national Sloan Award for Business Excellence in Workplace Flexibility for their innovative programs. And you will hear about new resources and opportunities as a result of SHRM’s partnership with the Families and Work Institute, including the “When Work Works” initiative.
Lisa Horn, Senior Government Relations Advisor, Society for Human Resource Management, Alexandria, Virginia
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm — NHRMA 75th Anniversary Gala
Gala attendees will enjoy Washington-focused culinary delights and fine beverages during this celebration of NHRMA’s 75th Anniversary. Conveniently located at the Hotel Murano, experience a NHRMA party unlike any other.
Enjoy a showcase of beverages from around Washington, including several different wineries, an organic distiller and more, along with fantastic food and great entertainment. Discover why Washington state has become a hub for innovative beverage producers worldwide, as you sample the various varietals offered. All Gala attendees will receive a commemorative tasting glass and tasting tickets to enjoy the featured beverages.